Subject : Mathematics
Activity : understand the concept of numbers using familiar manipulatives.
Objectives : the students will be ;
Art & craft :
Age group : 3 years
Materials :

Procedure :

Extension activity :
Activity : understand the concept of numbers using familiar manipulatives.
Objectives : the students will be ;
- count the numbers one through ten out loud
- identify the numbers one through ten
- show the numbers one through ten using manipulatives
Art & craft :
- to create a poster collage from one to ten using manila card,pictures of gummie bears and glue
Age group : 3 years
Materials :
- a bowl for each student in the class containing ten gummi bears.
- cut outs in the shape of bears with the numbers one through ten written on their stomach

Procedure :
- begin the lesson by showing a stuffed animal of a bear
- ask the students what animal is that you are holding
- continue the discussion by allowing them to talk about any stuffed animals they might own
- explain to the students that they will be learning something very special today, to count, using bears
- place the teddy bear cut outs on the blackboard which display the corresponding number. After that , review the bears on the blackboard by counting aloud together

- explain the student that they will each be given a bowl that has ten gummi bears in it.
- make sure to enforce the rule that they are not to eat them until it is snack time!
- also show them the bear cut outs they will reeive and show them how they each have a different number on them
- after the material is passed out begin the game by calling out a number one through ten
- the task of the student is to find the bear that has that number on its stomach and using thier gummi bears show thatnumber oon their cut out.
- it is a great idea to have bears already made displaying the correct number of gummi bears to use as an aid in checking the answers.

Extension activity :
- divide the students get into small group and playy the game themselves , using each other to check their understand of numbers
- or, a class handout could be given to the students asking them to demonstrate the numbers one through ten
prepared by : ann
diploma in early childhood development
sri college :)
diploma in early childhood development
sri college :)
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