emh well this might be my favourite part
im going to tell evryone bout my bestie i ever had
who lend their shoulder for me to crywho support me in anything tht i d o
who love me sincerely
ahhhhhhhhh its hard fer me to describe them
cuz they were great enough as my fren
n im rewly happy to have u guys in my life
damn much happy.
afraid of losing even one of u

she is dhamirah atiqah amar ;)
oke.we've been fren since 2007
at first we both hating each other cuz we've both were in a different world b4
we've becomes close since we've been picked as the drama schoolteam
since that onward our schoolmate labelled us as the "DRAMA QUEEN"
idk whether u noe bt it or not dhamy ;)
the time tht u confirmed me tht u're moving out to another school
i cried a lot.till i fall to sleep
i am rewly sad knowing tht u gonna leave me fer another 1yr n plus!
u left me on 23rd of july.
did u noe im still remembering tht day?the date?
ahahah.funny me to remember all tht stuff boo.
when u moved on with my life while me myself with mine
we becomes not close as usual
but we still contact n share our story rite?
then only i noe tht we both rewly need each other
even we're far from each other.but we're close tru our heart!
ahahaa.if i need to tell everything bt u.i might takes me a few days syg
too much to describe our relation
hey u.stop making stupid stories
cuz i dont trust u any loger!
get out of my way.
n dun mess with my another fren now!
just moved on with ur own life okay
till here bout dhamy ;)

and it comes to eppy's turn
hey hunney pumpkin
do u noe how much i love u?
how im afraid of losing u?
u mean world to me syg ku ;)
she is nur afifah shamsudin ;)
a sweet girl who i loved most during shchool session on 2009
she cheer me up evrytime im down
she is kinda bossy
cuz she love to control the situation
but its just fine fer me cuz she is got at leading me,esh n dona ;)
we were always been together 20/7
cuz we've been separated just fer school session
she used to be the mechanical student while im in the electrical course
ppl labelled us "siblings"
cuz we cant be far from each ahaha ;)
hey u who just knew us.dun judge the relation btw me n epy
u dun noe us!so.get a life lah!
even we've been fighting fer a long time.
we will fix the situation
n now we are still friends.
i love yuwwwwwww bestie ;)
here are another photo of us syg

BFF <33

here come miss nur faizan roselan's turn ;)
sorry esh cuz this the only pix tht i have!
cuz we always sanp pic using ur cmera
so idk how to upload it boo ;)sorry k?
next time we hang i'll bring mine okay? ;)
so i can post our latest pix
eh eh f.y.i aesh now wearing scarf ;)
n she looks cute in it!
aesh we always been misunderstood n i always bame u
its not bcuz u did sumtink wrong
its just me.who were very selfish
im so so so so sorry u noe how much i love u rite?
idk wht should i say bt u
too many words is nt just gud enough to dscribe u my dear ;)
y?cuz u were soooooooooooooooooo "BAEK"
u noe im such a fragile person
u nvr treat me badly
tht is y ily boo ;)
syg syg syg aesh sgt2

who this girl is?she is nadiana najib
a girl who moved in to my school as she is back from indonesia after few years living there
sorry nea i stole this pix from ur page.
this is the pix when she went to disneyland hongkong if im not mistaken
sory nea.dun get mad.. ;) ily!
oke bout her?
she's so so so so so so nice ;)
as i think she's the nicest person i ever met woi ;)
nea.idk how to describe u
SPEECHLESS when it comes to ur turn
cuz i noe i did hurt u a lot all this while!
u dun ever mad even i do a lot bad stuff to u
sorry okay!i'll change
i dun want to hurt u again boo
cuz i do love yuww ;)
please forgive me k?
"its innocent its brilliant,
i hope tht u will stay
this moment and its perfect,
please dont go away,
i need u now!
and dont hold on to it,
dun u let she passed u by"

ily nea.here the only photo tht i have with u
in my album ;)

this is nurul diyana azhar
i called her dona cuz we both love to eat mc'donald ;)
eheheh.she nice n soooooooo cute!
where have u been cute girl?
i miss u alot!
we've meet only once this year
OMG!i miss u.
we didnt text such a long tym syg
but i wont forget u
cuz many things we've been through together
ily syg ;)muah muah for my dona

its nea's camera actually ;)

nur natasya hasmawi tan
i know her true nea cuz she is one of her fren
she said tht im her cookie.idk y.
hehe but im happy she calling me tht!
thnxs tasya fer that name
emm.this girl is very friendly
and im comfort whenever im with her
ily boo <33>
we shae every single thing bt each other
she always there the moment i need her!
thnxs tasya.i rewly appreaciate u come to my life
idk wht else to say. pls dont leave me boo

she's rock ;)
it takes just 5 mins to be ur fren
cuz u're damn friendly n loveable ;)
ily julia
u always help me the time i have problem
we share our joy,laughter n sadness
thnxs for coming to my life
n thnxs to nea too
cuz without her we might not be as close as today ;)
once fren forever fren ;)

ily julia <33>

meet fana ;)
one of the flops member tht i met tru nea ;)
she's nice n beautifull ;)
i am happy to be ur fren
eventhough we didnt always text or cmmnt
doesnt mean tht u're forgotten hunney
its just tht we both busy with our own life okay?
well gudluck with ur new life at uitm k?
ily pumpkin ;DD
dun forget me.

meet my twin,aahah.we called her ayang ;)
hey boo.
thnxs fer being my twin accidentally
i dun noe y ppl said tht we have the same look
i dun think so at all
whatever.wanna screams out to tell u tht ILY
muahx xoxo
here our photo.are we really look alike??

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