Thursday, May 7, 2009


  1. Marriage is loving-together, not just living together.
  2. A good marriage is like a good investment fund. You put everything. You have into it during your productive lifer and over the years it turns from silver to gold to platinum.
  3. I get up, He gets up. I eat, He eat. The kids eat. He leaves, I leaves. Welcome to the world of many marriages today!
  4. Loving someone doesn't mean your goals are always identical. But if u want something, your mute wants it for u too.
  5. Love dies of blindness, betrayals, errors, wounds and weariness. Love never dies of a natural death.
  6. Stop looking for love, start being lovable.
  7. There is only one kind of love, but there are many versions.
  8. Silence, secretiveness and sudden outbursts may be sign of a decaying relationship.

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